Smart Hybrid POS Helps Restaurants Expand Retail Channels


Economic growth is expected to be stronger in 2023. In the incredibly competitive catering industry, not only established brands are speeding up to attain sustainable growth for their businesses aspiring new entrants are also struggling hard to operate within this tough business environment.


Smart restaurant owners are well aware of the impacts brought by consumption upgrading and technology innovation. They are working tirelessly to perfect the consumer experience to attract more customers. Mixed business mode of “food + retail” is one among a few innovative strategies that restaurant owners could implement to create sustainable enterprises.


Packaged semi-finished food products as commodities to sell at retail counters set up in restaurants is one of the ways restaurant owners run the mixed business mode of “food + retail”. There are also restaurants running retail shops next door, buying in bulk to enjoy economies of scale and repackaging frozen meat or keeping stock of other premium quality products like wine and European condiments to sell to restaurant customers. This mixed business mode of food and retail offers good opportunity to restaurants to develop an additional selling channel to bring new money to their businesses.


Restaurant owners running mixed mode of business opt for using POS system with functions and features applicable to both restaurants and retail shops. This will help them handle products of both shops with higher efficiency and connect all transactions across the whole company. Most important, without involving any integration the same POS system can synchronize all customer information of both shops facilitating effective loyalty programs to fulfill customer expectations and optimize business results.


eRun provides smart POS of mixed food + retail mode, bringing you synergy between restaurants and retail shops and allowing you to sell or place order anytime anywhere on any device. Through mixing and matching membership discounts and promotion offers across the connected mixed modes of businesses you can expand your customer base, driving customer engagement and ringing up more sales.