
Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme (DTSPP)

The Hong Kong government is actively promoting digitalization in various industries by implementing the “Digital Transformation Support Pilot Program (DTSPP)” this year. With a significant fund of HK$500 million , this program is specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises in the catering and retail sectors. Its primary objective is to empower eligible enterprises by providing subsidies of up to HK$50,000. These subsidies aim to enhance their digital capabilities, improve competitiveness, and optimize work efficiency.


eRun, an approved solution provider under the DTSPP, offers extensive expertise in delivering professional intelligent management solutions to caterers and retailers at every stage of the “Digital Transformation Support Pilot Program.” Whether you are new to digital transformation or seeking to enhance your existing digital system as a small or medium-sized enterprise, eRun can assist you throughout the process. From conducting business analysis to implementing digital transformation and upgrades, as well as providing after-sales support, eRun is equipped to guide you in choosing the appropriate digital solutions and deliver comprehensive and efficient services.

eRun Garners Qualified Reports on SRAA/PIA

eRun is an authorized solution provider under the DTSPP program. Our 4A retail and catering management solution offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing users to access it anytime and anywhere, using any device or platform. It is perfectly suited for businesses in the retail and catering industry, regardless of their size or specialization.


Our stringent security practices have been recognized through the attainment of the qualified Security Risk Assessment and Audit (SRAA) report, in full compliance with the meticulous requirements set forth by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). Furthermore, we have successfully obtained the qualified Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) report. These esteemed certifications serve as a testament to eRun’s unwavering commitment to implementing and upholding robust security measures, with a primary focus on safeguarding user privacy.


Additionally, we take pride in being the recipient of the Gold Award for Business Solutions (SME) at the HKICT Award on two separate occasions. This prestigious recognition further solidifies our position as a trusted partner capable of assisting you in successfully securing your DTSPP application.

Programme Objectives

The DTSPP offers one-to-one matching funding to support SMEs in adopting pre-assessed, off-the-shelf, readily available digital technology solutions in targeted solution categories. This initiative aims to expedite the digital transformation of SMEs and assist them in effectively addressing the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age.


The Programme targeted solution categories as below:


  • Digital Payment Solutions and Shopfront Sales
    To facilitate the automation of payment and calculation workflows for enterprises, as well as enable electronic payment to open up new payment channels. Systems in this category may also include in-store self-service sales solutions like self-ordering systems and vending machines. Furthermore, the systems may have the capability to generate reports automatically using marketing data, enabling enterprises to analyze their business performance and make informed decisions.
  • Online Promotion
    To develop company websites and social media pages for enterprises, or to help them promote their business through online search engines and social media.
  • Customer Management and Loyalty Solutions
    Systems falling under this category can facilitate various sales promotion activities, including electronic membership programs and electronic coupons. These systems may also provide reports that allow enterprises to efficiently monitor, analyze, and manage sales activities, targets, identified potential customers, and subsequent follow-up tasks. As a result, enterprises can improve interactions with both existing and prospective customers, while centrally storing customer information and contact records.


Funding Scope and Amount

  • The Programme provides funding support to SMEs for adopting the pre-assessed solution packages listed in the Solution List.
  • Funding support of up to HK$50,000 for each eligible applicant will be provided on a 1:1 matching basis.  The applicant must contribute to at least half of the total cost of the adopted solution.
  • The purchase, rental or subscription of equipment, hardware, software and any other assets is allowed if they form an essential part of the solution package, and are subject to the following rules:

    • the title and interest in new equipment, hardware, software and any other assets purchased with funds under the Programme shall vest with the applicant;
    • all items purchased, procured or leased with funds under the Programme shall be licensed products and shall not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights.
  • The solution of an approved application shall be deployed and ready for the applicant’s use within 9 months upon the approval of the application. For subscription-based solutions, funding support up to two years of the subscription period is allowed.

Application Eligibility and Procedures

  • Having registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310).
  • Having substantive business operation in the following industry sectors (the “Target Industry Sectors”) in Hong Kong at the time of application:

    • Food and Beverage
    • Retail (excluding Food and Beverage).
  • Not being a listed company in Hong Kong, a statutory body, or a government-subvented organization.
  • Having less than 50 full-time employees.
  • Applicant having an approved application or an application pending for approval shall not apply again.
  • The Programme will be open for applications by applicants in batches.
    Applicants should apply via : .

Digital Payment Solutions and Shopfront Sales – F&B

The restaurant industry confronts a range of challenges, including shifting consumer dining habits, escalating operating costs, and heightened competition. To navigate these obstacles and revitalize their business, restaurants can turn to eRun’s F&B POS Management and e-Payment Solutions. Leveraging the following advantages, these solutions facilitate digital transformation and bring new life into the restaurant industry in the face of difficulties:


  • One-stop management of dine-in + takeaway service
  • Customer scan to order and pay
  • Seamless integration with all e-payment methods
  • Membership, promotion engine and coupon management
  • Cloud back office and reports
  • Award-winning food inventory and cost control system
  • Basic Membership & Promotion Engine


Digital Payment Solutions and Shopfront Sales – Retail

As SME retail enterprises embrace intelligent operations, their aspirations include achieving automation in store management, facilitating electronic payments and integration with online stores, accessing automatically generated cloud reports, and implementing self-service Kiosks to reduce labor costs, enhance efficiency, and increase turnover. The digital scenario described above can be accomplished with the assistance of eRun’s Retail POS management and e-Payment Solutions.


  • Rapid deployment of Cloud/iPad POS
  • Self-service Kiosk system
  • Seamlessly connect to e-payment methods and online shop
  • Powerful promotion engine and coupon management system
  • Cloud back office and reports
  • Flexible inventory management with mobile stock take function
  • Promotion notifications and news publication


Customer Management and Loyalty Solutions

Effective membership management plays a crucial role in stabilizing a company’s existing customer base, attracting new customers in a highly competitive market, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty, and strengthening the company’s overall market competitiveness. Explore how eRun’s Membership and Coupon Management Solutions can assist you in seamlessly establishing and managing membership promotion plans, all in one integrated platform.

  • Brand-specific iOS and Android mobile apps
  • Integrated with eRun’s F&B/Retail POS System
  • Push promotion information and news release
  • Cloud analysis reports on member consumption behaviour
  • Electronic cash coupons and coupon redemption
  • Facilitate speedy responses to member inquirie



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