eRun’s Total Experience Solution Caters to the Diverse Needs of the Milk Tea Industry


As the clock strikes 3:30 in the afternoon, the familiar craving for milk tea emerges once more. Hong Kong-style milk tea, an iconic element that characterizes the local food culture, has seamlessly integrated into people’s lives. Surpassing boundaries, this beloved beverage has captivated taste buds not only in Hong Kong but also across China and around the globe. With its complex and velvety taste, milk tea has garnered admiration throughout different eras and regions.


Demand for milk tea consumption is varied, reflecting a thriving industry
As the economy and culture rapidly evolve, milk tea aligns with the modern consumer’s desire for fashionable, delectable, nutritious, and convenient food options. Whether it’s shopping, watching movies, or visiting amusement parks, one can spot pedestrians everywhere clutching a cup of milk tea. Different regions boast their own popular milk tea varieties: Hong Kong tea restaurants offer the timeless pantyhose milk tea; China boasts Heytea as a pioneer in the new tea industry while Europe and the United States showcase exquisite high tea experiences. Drinking milk tea has become ingrained in people’s daily routines, and this substantial market demand has fueled the dynamic and continuous growth of the milk tea industry.


Total Experience Solution helps milk tea shops to operate efficiently
In the diversified milk tea industry, consumer demand extends beyond price, with emphasis placed on factors such as product quality, brand appeal, and takeaway services. To thrive in this highly competitive market, milk tea shops must not only ensure the quality of their products but also seek innovation in their operational and management strategies. Implementing a total experience solution becomes crucial, capable of efficiently handling a diverse range of milk tea product series, various specifications, and capacities. It should also offer customizable options to cater to different customer preferences, while enabling real-time inventory control and prompt replenishment of milk tea ingredients to maintain a steady supply.


Leveraging technology to enhance brand reputation
To help expand milk tea shop business, it is essential for the total experience solution to integrate with takeaway platforms, facilitating online ordering and delivery services for customers. Additionally, organizing promotional campaigns and implementing a membership management system are crucial methods for increasing revenue. When seamlessly integrated into a smart POS system, the promotion and membership management system can greatly enhance business performance. Furthermore, self-ordering has gained popularity among young customers. By enabling order placement through QR code or leaflet scanning and offering environmental friendly electronic payment options, these technological experiences significantly boost the reputation of milk tea shops and streamline store operations.


eRun’s total experience solution empowers the milk tea industry with cutting-edge digital management capabilities. Through our lightweight and portable cloud-based iPad POS system, we enable milk tea shops to unlock the full potential of technology, enhancing their marketing vitality and competitive edge. With our solutions, milk tea shops can stay up-to-date with the ever-changing demands of the industry and thrive in the modern market landscape.